My Hong Kong Adventure...
During my travels back from New Zealand to the UK, me and my family (except my sister, who stayed in New Zealand) decided to stay in Hong Kong to split the flight home instead of enduring a full 27 hours on a plane.
We were extremely well accommodated in the Sky City Marriott Hotel, Tung Chung. I have to say it was the most amazing hotel i think i will ever stay in. Struggling with fatigue we arrive at the hotel in the early hours of the Chinese, cold morning. As soon as we exited the bus from the hotel, we were greeted by a well dressed man who fluently spoke English and grabbed all of hour belongings. We then were politely and quickly checked into the hotel and on our way to the rooms. My dad chose to stay on the smoking floor with my brother ( where it is legal to smoke in your hotel room....very old fashioned, and the floor smelt rotten). However me and my mum vacated to the next floor up in the hotel, exited the very shiny elevator and walked to our room. The floor was quite and clean. You could see your reflection in the walls and doors of the hotel corridor it was that clean! We place our room card into the key slot, and opened the large heavy door with difficulty ( it was very early morning, we had just left Jess, my sister, in New Zealand and we were also very jet lagged from a 13 hour flight, everything we did was with great effort).
The room was amazing, two large single beds, which in my opinion were double-sized, stood calling our name with pure white duvets and squishy pillows. The room consisted of a massive window that covered the entire wall, a small black desk with a phone, bible and lamp situated on top. The room was clean and fresh smelling, and just the right temperature. It was amazing. I walked, with difficulty, to the bed and crashed. The bed was a wonderful heaven of pure comfort, freshness and bounciness. Honestly, i suggest you go all the way to Hong Kong, just to sleep in the beds of the Marriott Hotel for at least one night, you have not felt pure comfort otherwise.
Eventually, we all managed to relax a little and fall asleep. In the early hours of the morning, we all awoke hungry and feeling the time difference. However, we decided not to waste our one day in Hong Kong. After getting a small breakfast of egg on toast, due to being too tired to have an appetite, we journeyed into the town of Tung-Chung. The town was small, filled with people and a little on the crazy side. Taxi's were flying around the roads not really caring how dangerous they were, the sky was dark and muggy. Fog followed you wherever you went and lurked low around the buildings. Tung-Chung was not a nice place. Sky-Scraping buildings were towering over you with people just waking up and hanging their washing over their balconies. The houses were tiny apartments that sat on top of each other, it was the strangest way of living i have ever seen! Not to mention that the town smelt. It was a smell i find difficult to describe, kind of like dirty air and unfamiliar foods that made your stomach churn. When we walked through the markets, all i could see was dead ducks and swans hanging from their necks on a hook ready to be sold. I have never felt so disturbed in my life. (If your a vegetarian, i advise you not to go to Hong Kong!)
After that we went to the city of Hong Kong it's self, taking a very futuristic train that was very fast, and actually spoke to you on your travels. The train was filled with busy-bodies getting ready for the day ahead of them. I must say the city was rather fascinating, it was dark and cramped...and you still had the lurking, frosty fog following you. However, the city's architecture and technology was truly futuristic, you could tell Hong Kong was a rich city for shopping and business men. A strange, mysterious place indeed.
I realise that i was overwhelmed with fatigue, worry, sadness and excitement whilst i was in Hong Kong, and therefore i stay optimistic that the city itself has lots of potential..although i don't think ill be traveling back there anytime soon. (Its not my type of holiday destination, but hey! at least i can say i have been!)
Thanks all, i have more stories on Hong Kong if you would like to hear them?
Chloe Hannah Beaumont xx