Sunday, September 23, 2012

Student stress:

Hey everyone,

So yesterday i woke up at 4am to reluctantly, yet excitedly make my way to Falmouth university. It took us about 5-6 hours to get the uni, and then it was registration time, which went very smoothly- thankfully!

Next we moved all of my belongings into my new room. The room is spacious, new and well equipped for all studying needs ;). Once everything was in my new room, we made our way to ASDA for my shopping. This was a massive ASDA and was literally filled with students. The funny part of it was, as you walked around you noticed every student's trolley was filled with budget shopping and 5kg bags of pasta..i know what I'm going to be eating for the next year! Once my basket was full of budget shopping we went to the check out to meet the most annoying, strange man on the planet!
The checkout operator decided to show my mum how to open a bag, giving step by step instructions. Lets bare in mind we had been up since 4am, been in a car for 6 hours and we were hungry. We ignored the man and continued packing. Next thing we knew the man was asking me where i was from, and how a large town like Sandbach, having 60,000 people present in it, will be a complete change to having under 6000 in Truro! We felt the need to explain to the man that Sandbach is a market town, filled with a very little amount of people. He did not agree. After then being told by him, i was now in the 'Promise Land', i decided to tune off to anything he was saying.

When i returned to my flat to put my shopping in, i walked into the kitchen to discover a condom on the table and rubbish and dirty dishes everywhere. I thought to myself, welcome to student life, but I'm going to have to clean up this rubbish! I didn't though, i had too much to think off to clean if I'm honest.

My parents then had to leave, i was tired and emotional and i couldn't stop crying, so i unpacked the boxes in my room to take my mind off things. Once that was done i went into the kitchen to speak to all my flatmates who were making an omelet for the first time, the kitchen looked like it was on fire with all the smoke! I decided to stick to good old cheese on toast, as i didn't really have an appetite!

Finally it was time to go out, and after having another emotional meltdown on the phone, i got ready and went to my friends flat. We all sat around a table being stupid and drunk and playing drinking games, which soon ended in me having a maltester match (ping pong with a maltester) with a girl called Niki. It was great, took my mind of things. Next we went to the 'Stannary' aka, the student bar. It was filled with hundreds of students who looked lost, and everyone was being nice to everyone. If you got pushed, you both said sorry and walked away quickly. Not like my normal bar experience i have to say.

I then met a guy who asked me what drugs i was taking. I said vodka, as by now i had drank too much vodka and wine to understand the question. Thankfully, it was because my eyes were bloodshot and swollen from suffering fatigue and crying all day!

It was a..should we say..eventful day. I cant say i enjoyed it, but then i didn't really not enjoy it. I have mixed emotions so far. And i miss my Mum! Waking up this morning was weird, walking into a kitchen full of people i don't know! Very strange, but i guess it gets better with time!

I'll keep you posted!

Chloe Hannah Beaumont xx 


  1. I'm sure there will be more tears but they will be outweighed by the good times with friends old and new. We're all very proud of you and just a little bit jealous! xxxx

  2. My advice to you is to get out while you still can; nowadays many people live in Hotel Mumanddad until their mid fifties. Who needs education [can't do question marks--clavicle] it is overrated, and as those kings of rock once said--'We don't need no hedgucashun, teacher, leave those kids a --student-- [can't do brackets]--loan..


    KEEP updating us with the fun so we can live vicariously studenty lives

    waiting in anticipation for your next blog entry

    good luck
