Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Maria Miller-The atrocity.

This blog, is about my pure disgust in one of David Cameron's recent decisions-appointing the self-righteous Maria Miller as MP of equality!
This is the women, lets not forget, who voted against:
-Gay adoption rights
-The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill which would give lesbian couples the ability to receive fertility treatment
-The process of the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill
 Plus she was in favour of defining Homophobia, racial hatred and prejudice and simply just "Freedom of Speech".

So basically, the point i am getting at is, any one who is white in colour and is a heterosexual is equal. However, if you find yourself of a different colour and you are bisexual/homosexual then you have no rights, you shouldn't be able to have a life by getting married and starting a family, and if people are discriminating against you, well sorry but that's okay because its freedom of speech.

HOW RIDICULOUS! Welcome to 'Tory' England everyone. How can a person who believes not everyone is equal and not every single person on this planet should be treated the same (and have the same rights) be appointed the MP of EQUALITY?  David Cameron has made a complete outrage of a decision and needs to rethink who he appoints.

Every person on this planet, whether they be white, or any other colour was born into this world the same way, BIRTH! Every person will have come from their mother weather it be a natural birth or a Cesarean. Why should skin colour, regions or religions make a difference? No matter who you were conceived by and no matter where in the world you were born, you are still HUMAN. Therefore, surely you are entitled to HUMAN RIGHTS. You should be allowed to marry who you like, where you like and when you like. If you are a gay/lesbian couple, what makes you any different from a straight couple? In my opinion nothing. and therefore you should be allowed to have a family! Who is the judge to say that Gay families will not bring up a family as well as a heterosexual family? No one has this evidence or can prove this statement as true because it is bias and discriminative!

Honestly, its like going back to the old days when Martin Luther King JR was fighting for African Americans to have the same rights as "White" people. Have we not seen enough fighting, hurt, deaths and struggling from people fighting for their rights in the past who-knows-how-many years!

Get the self-righteous, old-fashioned, distasteful Maria Miller out of Parliament! She disgust me, and shame on David Cameron for failing to appoint an MP who actually believed in equality.

Angry and disgusted!
What are your thoughts on this outrageous decision?

Chloe Hannah Beaumont xx


  1. Did you really think the Tories cared about minorities?

  2. I just think it's disgusting that such a woman could be appointed the MP of Equality.
