Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Whisper Community

Have you ever heard of the online Whisper Community? No? You're missing out.

The Whisper Community is a group of people of all ages and races who come together and make "Whisper" video's on YouTube. Some even have their own websites all about 'whispering'. The purpose of the videos is to help people sleep, gain confidence and feel relaxed. I find the videos very relaxing when i have a lot on my mind at night. I just put my headphones in and listen to people take you away. Sometimes they act out role plays, such as relaxing spa days or they just have a general chat about their day in a very calming voice.

My favourite 'whisperer' would be TheOneLillum on YouTube. She is an extremely talented person, who tries her very hardest to relax you, sometimes she is that good i fall asleep half way through the video! The whisper community is a very helpful community of people, who take time out of their day to help others relax and feel better about themselves. They are very inspirational in my opinion and have helped me to sleep, or inspired me to be more confident and believe in myself.

If you suffer from insomnia or struggle to get relaxed before you sleep, you should seriously have a browse on you tube at the videos. There are many different people and types of videos within the community that are certain to meet your needs and help you to get a good nights sleep!

Check it out!
Chloe Hannah Beaumont xx

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